Understanding our values
Our members have elected to adhere to a set of Forum Principles to champion the highest standards of Dynamic Currency Conversion. These principles seek to ensure that best practice in the provision of DCC is upheld by the industry players:
• Choice: The DCC Forum believes that merchants should be empowered to offer cardholders choice at point of purchase when they are making a payment abroad.
• Information: The DCC Forum supports merchants in being able to ensure they can offer sufficient information and explanation around the payment options available to cardholders at point of purchase.
• Transparency: The DCC Forum supports merchants and organisations to deliver the greatest level of transparency for international cardholders, providing the required information on fees and the rates at the point of purchase, so they can make more informed decisions on the payment option that suits them best.
• Best practice and regulation: The members of the DCC Forum advocate for best practice in the delivery of the service, ensuring it is provided in line national regulators, so that cardholders are fully informed in their payment choices before completing a transaction.
• Education: The DCC Forum is driving education of industry players, merchants and cardholders about the practice of DCC to build a clear understanding of the payment options available.
• Innovation: The DCC Forum is continually evaluating how to deliver greater transparency around the practice of DCC through investing in innovation and technology.